BDA (Database Administrator)

Database administrator.

A database administrator is an expert in the design and maintenance of relational databases. Its function is very important for all work whose growth depends on the efficient management of information. Achieving in this way to meet the needs of the client.

Previously the databases were used to store data and know transactions made in a specific time. Currently, the data is structured to convert it into knowledge and with this, it is possible to predict financial and other behaviors.

Extraction methodologies Database.

1. They must be standardized.
2. Database Manager to manipulate it.

 Security (Ethics of stored information).

1. Do not steal
2. Do not copy
3. Notify anomalies and manipulation of the Database.

* Structured query language (SQL).

a. It is used to define and manipulate databases. It is used for programming. Serves for (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE).
b. The data modification language is used to (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT) a record.


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